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These are some of my favourite comments sent over the years....


Saw the article in the Star a few days ago. You probably won't remember me but I used to stop and listen to you on Yonge St. almost every Saturday way back when. You really made an impression. Maybe I was a bit of a groupie (sorry if I was a pain) but I remember thinking you were so cool and I loved you voice so I just kept going back for more. I just turned 50 this June so it's a been quite a while now (!) but how incredible is it to remember these key moments in our lives. I smiled out loud when I saw you in the paper the other day and said to my husband right away, "I remember this guy. He had such an amazing voice".  Karen (Facebook)


Dear Michael! You make my day happy! Im just listening your music, close my eyes and enjoy it! Really makes me to cryin! Its so beautyfull... Your kind of music has no culture in my Country, and Im really sad about. Im wishin you all the best from my heart!I love you since today,and Ill be your fan! Monika


Hey Michael You were fantastic, really! I especially liked your Sinatra Song .... escapes me as to which one it was but you nailed it with just enough of your own style. Fred


Michael, Your music is amazing,Your voice is Beautiful. Yes it took me a while to get here, but this made my day!!I cranked it up and started cleaning my house and my husband asked"What band is that?" I told him about you and showed him your website and he is now downloading your music for our trip in a few weeks. Thank you so much for sharing this with me and if You are ever in Kennawick Wa. or Hermiston Or. please let me know well in advance. Brooklyn


Went to Michael Bell's concert last night. A BIG STAR performer! Peterborough's best kept secret. Loved the show @PTBOShowplace! Congrats! Cheryl 


Michael, Loved your performance on the 18th.  Not only do you have a great voice, but the choice of songs was excellent.  Also loved the jokes.  Telling some friends about the show, I learned that it is an experienced performer who can sing for over a solid hour without a break.  We will be back next year.  Great, great show.  Jeanmarie


An amazing and memorable performance tonight by Michael Bell at Simcoe Blues Club. He is mesmerizing... Bev  (Facebook Post)

I am just hypnotized by your voice! You are amazing! Mary


All the World this is the best one I heard on N1M so far, don't forget to let me know bout any music updates there!!! Stephen


I became a fan of ur music and I will be back to hear it all again.
This comment is my promise!
Blessings! Noe


Hi I absolutely love listening to your music! Ashley


Please, don't stop making excellent music. now get your latest music on iTunes please!


It is more than a pleasure to listen to You Shine daily. Thank you for being there and making such a great music for us!


ALL THE WORLD ... Love this tune, it's pure magic!! Erica


hey! this is the best music i've heard on n1m so far...please stay in touch, i want to follow your updates. all the best. Raphael


Hey, I personally think that it shows that you are more musically gifted if you can bring us different kinds of music than just playing the same thing tune after tune. I like your music very much because of its diversity and you are not tryin' to repeat yourself or any artist out there. I appreciate the creativity you put into your music style. From a true fan of all your music. Sondra


One word sums up the creativity, style, and music...AMAZING!!!!!! :) Vera

Your music I play on Repeat repeat repeat. Federico


Welcome to my playlist on of luck...horns raised in honor.  Alison


Hi! I wish i will add more of your tunes to my favourites soon! All the best and much success!! Regina


If you're not here to catch Michael Bell's performance, you are missing out! Wow, just, wow! Mangement McNeil's Pub Port Hope *facebook post*


My friends and I were enchanted by Michael's performance tonight in Oshawa... he has the delivery and charisma of a true professional. Way to go, Michael. Bev


He has a wonderfully mellow voice. Penny


wow Gr8.. I simply love your music, ever since I found your profile at n1m, when I heard all the world, I knew I'm going to listen to all the songs u sing, your voice is just so amazing. WOULD LOVE to see YOU LIVE!

keep it up Michael.... Lizzie


You Shine What a good tune. Much respect and admiration. Its a blessing to hear something like this when one starts to think: are we really inspired enough these days? Thank You! mitch


Hey Michael ! I heard your new song "I'll stand with you" love it - you are an amazing artist and God has blessed you with an amazing talent in singing--thanks for sharing your music . XOXOXOX, tina


U rock michael. Blackidole Nahid


Hey Michael, I'm so excited!!!!! Love the tunes on n1m and have added to my favs, can't wait to hear the rest. Aldofo


Your voice is amazing and charming. You music makes me smile :) Marzena Ewiak


Wow Michael, I am blown away. Your voice is absolutely Amazing! You definitely got Under my skin. I put your song on my playlist so I can listen and think of you. Tina


Hi Michael, I really do love your voice.. It started my day off, on a great start.. I hope it did the same for you too.. I can listen to you sing, all the time.. I hope you have a fantastic day! Karen


Your voice is divine. I downloaded all your recordings and I listen to them every day. Alia


I just love your voice just gets me every time is just so beautiful. Debra


Your vocals are amazing!! I could listen to your music for hours. Thanks for adding me and enjoy your day! RC


I cannot believe that I have never heard your music before. Your voice is completely captivating. Amazing. Pamala


Hi Michael, I just had the honor of listening to your music. Hallejuah was riveting, and Under My Skin sounded so awesome. Love your melted chocolate. KAT


Despite the diversity of my own musical genre's, it's rare that any one artist catches me to so instantly fall in love with the music. This you have done. Sincerely, Lisa


I'll admit, it took me a while to head to your page and I'm glad I did. Normally I ignore invites from random artists, but your cover of Wicked Game was the deciding factor - it was fantastic! Keep on rockin' in the free world, Linn



I visit Your site everyday, cause I love Your music. You have an amazing voise. You are verrrrryyyy good at singing Angie


Hi Michael. You sound amazing! Every time I listen to you sing "Under My Skin" I get goose bumps! I have proudly added one of your banners to MySpace. It's only right to share a good thing. Rosie


WOW WOW WOW that was truly awesome Michael, I have just spent the past hour listening to you sing and it was mind blowingly awesome...You have a truly wonderful gift with your voice... Roslyn


Michael, Your music truly validates peaces of my soul... My loyalty to specific music "types" is nonexistent. However, your style is exquisite... your voice, beautifully resilient! Bravo! You have touched my world... thank you (: Samantha


Michael! I love your voice! Beautiful! You have a true large and growing voice, there is no implosion, no collapse, the harmonics of your voice are large and is like open arms. Sanda


I still have tears in my eyes after listening to your interpretation of Hallelujah. Beata


Dear Michael, After work today , I listened to your wonderful warming and comforting voice , your voice and the words of those songs felt like a caress taking me to a relaxing world of clouds where nothing else existed ..Only a cloud of a soft voice and mellow music reaching straight in my hearth !! Thank you Michael ,for inviting me to remember that love and romance still exist!I thought that I could have that feeling only when creating my recipes.!!But you brought me to a young age again !! I'm proud to be your friend... Angela


Bewitching, caressing an ear, a romantic voice..... I repeatedly heard your songs... For me honour to become your friend Natalia


wow..... amazing voice sent shivers through me ... ever time i listen to it. you have an amazing voice just touches one soul Debra


You know,Michael,I truly like these rock-n-roll notes in your voice and how the jazz wonderful variations,music is put on it or better say-it happens to be excellent combination-so intelligent sounding,so sophisticated and so soft,like a blessing covering the whole soul..and you know what?-your music heals!!! i understand such things-it really aligns,as to say, the energy field! VladaI LOVE your music and I think you are very very gorgeous. I love your version of Wicked Game. I love your voice and after hearing you sing it I felt so weak!! I played it over and over. I AM NOW YOUR BIGGEST FAN! Aimee


Michael, I love it. I love that kind of music and you will go far. You say you were a crooner and if so just keep on. I love your voice and I don't understand why I have not heard about you before. You are wonderful in every way and I hope to hear more from you and your music. Jan


Michael, you made me dream with fools rush in...A sad and tender song... Temi


My dear Michael, I must confess that your voice and your music moved me so much, although my kind of music is much different...!! Xenia


Your voice still touches me! Birdie


Your voice is one of the most beautiful voices that I have ever heard - the pleasure is all mine and for this week you shall be playing at the Sydney Opera House on my profile.Tiki


WOW What a voice you have. Its beautiful. I could listen to you all day. Absolutely amazing. Rachael


I was browsing through my friends and came across your page. When I stopped and listened I was hypnotized by your alluring voice and your soulful style of music. I can say you have an incredible voice and I would like to come back again as a guest. Laurie


ok this is like candy, R u the candy man or what? Your song by Sir Elton John..Right on David Bowies Heroes blows me out of the water,Smooth from Santana is amazing and Queens Somebody to love, Well Ill just smoke a cigg or cigar and pour me a drink!!!!!!!! You are killen me here. I think Suanne and I should come see you perform!!!! Im sticken to my story that you are like great sex or a great cup of coffee!!!! thats what I say and stand by that!!!!  Shari


My heart just melts when I hear your voice. You could sing to me all day long! I loved all the songs! You have this very unique voice that totally relaxes me. Dusty


You have a fantastic voice. It takes my breath away...Wow... Lissa


Michael your voice is fabulous, i say before and tell you again and the music is bella. Mary


Thank you for the sneak previews of your song's - I especially loved your version "Your song" This is one of my all time favourites and you give it justice. You really have such a smooth voice and I love listening to you - I find you relax me which is a good thing!! Your fan and supporter Donna


Brilliant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I always love your music, makes me feel like dancing slow dance. i would love to use one of them as a bridal romantic! thank you!! Cani have one word for you: "WOW!!!!" you have a smooth voice, and i like it...and you play jazz...and i love this kind of music and i' m very curious... especially about music... i love everythings give me good "vibrations" and your voice is one of that. daniele


Dear Michael, Thank you so much for your songs. Since I downloaded them, can’t stop listening… I thought I knew these songs, but I stand corrected, you rediscover this beautiful music to me. Your voice is so powerful, a voice of an angel. Now, I can say I can hear an angel singing. Vesna


thank you SO much for the new, old tune- a classic, and yes, a favorite. you have a knack for that. made me want to dance, a slow romantic dance. your voice was made for such a song. Stacy


Dear Michael, I have been listening to your music, and I loved it! What a wonderful voice you have! Your voice is so pure and powerful that it invites us to a different world! Kimmie


Thanks for making my day, I heard your tracks  and I loved your versions of Wicked Game and You Got It, Your versions are even better then the originals - Cool! Motoko


I really love your songs. It makes me love my husband a lot. I wake him up sometimes just for the kisses loool. Hanan


WOW WOW WOW Michael!!! Love the music. What a beautiful voice you have :) I could listen to you for hours! Niki


Michael, How could anyone not like your singing? I think it's really perfect. Right now I'm listening to your version of "Wicked Game". Is there anything better in this world? Mimi


Michael ~ thanks for doing "Wicked Games" - one of my favorites as well. You've mastered that song and made it your own! It's very difficult for me to really like a song and then hear someone else sing it and actually like the new version better. You're an absolute winner. Connie


I just wanted to say that i loved your cover of Roy Orbison's You Got It, it was brilliant! Kasey


'Under my skin' made the hairs at the back of my neck stand.. U have an awesome voice... and I'm not even a jazz fan!!! Nice Work!! Safina


Your version of UNDER MY SKIN should be in a movie. It's a great version of the song Dionne Lennon


Reviews of "All the World" 


I've become totally addicted to All the World and would like to downlaod and add to my collection which I'm playing while driving my car. I can't wait to add to my favourites. Denis


The song seems to take off sideways and keeps going straight ahead, on its side, without a hint of imbalance. Great Vocals, As well as guitars and also fantastic songwriting. You should be a commercial success.Haiko Garian: Songwriter



Psychedelia is alive and well and living in 2007 The Dukes of the Stratoshpere caught lightning in a bottle almost 20 years ago when they released 25 O'clock. Well lightning has apparently struck twice. Here's another rband bringing back music from 40 years ago. Like the Dukes before them who couldn't completely diguise XTC, these guys are definitely not simply aping musical style like so many retro look bellbottoms for sale at Target. THese guys have lived through Peter Gabriel, Late 80s WInwood, and others in the clutch of danceable art rock. The song definitely relies on the groove laid down rather than any pop music convention. The vocals, while not entirely my cup of tea, are perfectly suited for hallucinagenic atmosphere developed here.THe lyric is in the grand tradition of pseudo-deep nonsense that is stock and trade of psychedelia. (Not exactly a putdown, I mean, Incense and Peppermint is pretty meaningless) They work well here, and, after all, lyrics aren't the main point. The acoustic guitar at the beginning seems a bit out of place, especially when the Cream- era Clapton guitar comes in. A very interesting and well done take on updating a style that's been done a lot although rarely with this kind of success. It really grew on me the more I listened to it, which I guess is the true measure of a song's value.Mojo Philter (Musician)


Psychodelica-icious! Dude, I MUST have this tune jammin' at my next house party! This is THE party tune: Blacklights, drinks, crazed friends, good times, and THIS SONG!!! But you probably want to hear what I think, eh? Really, there's no negative things I can think to say on this tune (and that in and of itself is indeed a rarity!). The vocals have a oh-so-cool Bowie feel, and I would give my left teste to sound like. Matter of fact, this track could easily be the lost "Spiders from Mars" b-side that the Bowie devotees never got to hear. The music is avant-garde and beyond easy classification. The plethora of instruments make this the kind of tune best enjoyed with headphones.


Needs to hear this piece of absolute original perfectionl.Pianocidal (Musician)


I don't know what to make of "All the World' other than I really like it... And then come the incredibly distinctive (unusual) lead vocal(s). There's "hearing" and there's "listening" -- these vocals made me listen... is so damned interesting that the record becomes the musical equivalent of a page-turner. After listening to way too many records at, I'm considering your record to be one of my few rewards. Finally, a record I can give extra credit for originality. Russ Buchanan


"360 Look Around" I love it! The modes and wierd scales you use sets the melody of this song off totally. It was really really trippy. I love how the drummer changes his groove around the one minute mark, The chorus was irressistable. Great guitar solo and key changes. man! the vocalist on this track was just amazing. GREAT! Harmonies! Great LYrics, great everything. I love the influences i hear in this guys are great! Chris Mathien (Musician)


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